True Price Action is a unique indicator that show whether bulls or bears have currently an advantage on the market. Signals generated by this indicator will let you open trades in the right direction in early trend phase.

TPA Sessions enables you to see where market makers are “moving” right now. The colored lines showing the different sessions start and are extending till sessions start the next day. You can choose how many hours you would like see.

This tool is useful at manual trading and helps you to calculate lot size, trading risk and calucalte potential profit and loss in currency for every new trade.
ZIG ZAG with wave length

This indicator draw line at local highs and lows. This helps you to draw support & resistance levels and display wave length info for every wave.
Wicks of Candles

Forex Indicator "Wicks of Candles" is finding candles without wick over or below candle body. With this forex tool, you don't have to make laborious and time-consuming chart analysis to find candles without wicks. This Indicator mark for you all candles without shadow on one or both sides.